When Albert Einstein was first presented with Max Plank’s theory of quantum mechanics—that the behavior of particles at the subatomic level is not completely predictable—he rejected the idea out of hand. Before the quantum theory was postulated, the underlying assumption behind science and the scientific method was that the universe and everything contained therein was completely orderly and predictable, which caused Einstein to quip: “God does not throw dice!”
I don’t claim to know much about quantum mechanics, but I can draw one conclusion from Einstein’s reaction, together with many other things he said: Einstein believed in God. To be sure he was more of a deist—not believing in a personal God who involves Himself in the affairs of men—but there was no question in his mind that there was an intelligent deity behind the creation of the universe.
Einstein believed in God, as did Max Plank himself for that matter, as well as a host of other scientists throughout history, from Newton to Leibniz to Kepler, and on into the modern era. This is the premise behind Of God and Dice: Quotes from Eminent Scientists Supporting a Creator, a short yet powerful tome cataloging the many scientists throughout the ages who have convincingly and unapologetically expressed their belief in God.
(In the interest of full disclosure, I mention this book in part because I have the privilege to count its author, Gordon Leidner, among my friends. He and I share a love for the Savior and a great interest in Christian apologetics--as well as an appreciation for a good glass of wine, particularly Italian reds, but I digress.)
By means of powerful quotes from scientists throughout the ages, Leidner shatters the widely held truism that there is an inevitable and necessary conflict between science and religion. Topically organized into subject areas such as “The Limitations of Science”, “The Big Bang Theory”, “Our Finely Tuned Universe”, etc., each chapter begins with an introduction to provide some unity and context for a number of well documented and referenced quotes, and then he lets the masters speak for themselves.
Of God and Dice is an easy to read, well organized reference tool for equipping believers to answer the skeptics who question their faith, and perhaps even to answer their own questions as they wrestle with doubts caused by the onslaught of disinformation from an unbelieving world. It is definitely a worthwhile read.
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