Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear Congressman

It is a little late, but I intend to somehow email the letter below to every so called "moderate" House Democrat within the next 24 hours.
Dear Congressman:
I am not a constituent in your district, but I might as well be. I know you are experiencing a great deal of pressure from all sides. Probably the most intense pressure is coming from the President of the United States, the Speaker of the House and the Majority Whip. With formidable carrots and sticks, they are doing everything in their power to persuade you to vote for a so-called heathcare reform bill. I have a suggestion. Instead of listening to them, listen to your conscience and listen to the voice of the people in your district.

I can say this because I am confident that the overwhelming majority of the American people, including those in your district, are dead set against this so called health-care reform bill. It is expensive, counter-productive, and will saddle this and upcoming generations with mountains of debt on top of the unsustainable debt we are already accumulating. It will have a devastating impact on our economy, deeply curtail the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, and will not even accomplish its advertised goal of providing greater access to healthcare.
In addition, the people are sickened by the back-room deals and open bribery that is being used to pass this bill over and against the clear will of the American people. Americans are also wary of the questionable constitutionality of bypassing the clear requirements of Article I, Section 7, which requires that differences between House and Senate bills be reconciled in Conference, after which both houses are to vote on the reconciled bill with recorded “yea” or “nay” votes. You can be sure that if this bill passes, it will be challenged in court on several fronts.
No matter what happens in the coming days, I must respectfully but frankly state the following: If you vote in favor of this bill, you can count on me and others across the nation to do everything in our power to help the people of your district to vote you out of office.


P.S. My representative in Congress, the Majority Whip Mr. Steny Hoyer, is one of the primary perpetrators of this terrible bill and is obviously not persuadable on this issue. He thinks that because of his long history representing one of the more liberal districts of an already liberal state, that his career is safe. Perhaps he should consider recent election results in states like New Jersey and Massachusetts. So should you.


The Maryland Crustacean said...

Oh, well. So much for that. Congressmen have wisely locked down emails to restridt them to those in their district. Fax numbers keep ringing with no answer. Here is what I wrote to our friend Steny:

Dear Congressman Hoyer:

I am a constituent in your district. I have no illusions that I will be able to change your mind on the healthcare bill, but my conscience will not allow me to remain silent. All I can do is urge you to listen to the voice of the overwhelming majority of the American people, including those in our district.

Americans are dead set against this so called health-care reform bill. It is expensive, counter-productive, and will saddle this and upcoming generations with mountains of debt on top of the unsustainable debt we are already accumulating. It will have a devastating impact on our economy, deeply curtail the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, and will not even accomplish its advertised goal of providing greater access to healthcare.

In addition, the people are sickened by the back-room deals and open bribery that is being used to pass this bill over and against the clear will of the American people. Americans are also wary of the questionable constitutionality of bypassing the clear requirements of Article I, Section 7, which requires that differences between House and Senate bills be reconciled in Conference, after which both houses are to vote on the reconciled bill with recorded “yea” or “nay” votes. There is abundant video footage all over the internet of you speaking most eloquenjtly on this issue when the shoe was on the other foot.

No matter what happens in the coming days, I must respectfully but frankly state the following: If, as I fully expect, you vote in favor of this bill, you can count on me to do everything in my power to help the people of the 5th district to vote you out of office.
You may think that because of your long history representing one of the more liberal districts of an already liberal state, that your position is safe. You and your like minded colleagues should consider recent election results in states like New Jersey and Massachusetts.


Jason L. said...

Thanks, Leo! I sent something to him as well.

J Curtis said...

Steny Hoyer, is one of the primary perpetrators of this terrible bill and is obviously not persuadable on this issue. He thinks that because of his long history representing one of the more liberal districts of an already liberal state, that his career is safe. Perhaps he should consider recent election results in states like New Jersey and Massachusetts. So should you.

This is classic. I think alot of congressmen that are voting for this nightmare of a bill are in for a big suprise come their next election.

I posted something today asking, if Medicare is set to run out of money by 2017, how does adding millions upon millions of more people to a single-payer system help matters?